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There are a number of incredible young musicians making music today, and one of them is Phoebe Bridgers. Bridgers is known for her soothing voice and touching lyrics, and she’s also gotten herself involved in the current chaos surrounding Marilyn Manson. Prior to Manson, Bridgers also had negative comments to say regarding musician and producer Ryan Adams. So, who is Bridgers, and how does she know Manson and Adams? Here’s what we know.

Phoebe Bridgers is in the news thanks to comments about Marilyn Manson

Phoebe Bridgers performing
Phoebe Bridgers performing | Ilya S. Savenok/Getty Images for Tibet House

Manson is in the news more than ever due to accusations made by Evan Rachel Wood. Wood and Manson dated and were even engaged during their relationship, but Wood has since come forward and explained how Manson would abuse her during their relationship.

“The name of my abuser is Brian Warner, also known to the world as Marilyn Manson,” Wood alleged in an Instagram post. “He started grooming me when I was a teenager and horrifically abused me for years. I was brainwashed and manipulated into submission. I am done living in fear of retaliation, slander, or blackmail.” 

Bridgers has her own experiences with Manson. According to Buzzfeed, Bridgers said she was a big fan of Manson as a teen, so she went over to his home with friends. “He referred to a room in his house as the ‘rape room,’ she explained. “I thought it was just his horrible frat boy sense of humor. I stopped being a fan.”

It doesn’t seem like Bridgers kept up with Manson after her visit to his home.

How did she become famous?

Prior to Bridgers being in the news cycle due to her commentary regarding Manson, she’s been busily making a name for herself with her own music. GQ notes her debut album came out in 2017, and she has quite a backstory.

Bridgers was accepted to the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts at just 13 years old. She started playing bass in a band called Sloppy Jane. Bridgers then started to get some commercial work with Taco Bell and HomeGoods, which gave her the money necessary to really focus on her art and creating beautiful music.

By age 20, Bridgers was signed with the label Dead Oceans, and she was making a name for herself in the business. She met Ryan Adams, a producer and musician known for his controversial marriage to Mandy Moore. Adams originally helped Bridgers establish her career, but once their connection turned romantic, it all went downhill.

Today, Bridgers is 26, and she released her latest album, Punisher, in 2020.

Phoebe Bridgers has spoken out against Mandy Moore’s ex-husband, Ryan Adams

Conor Oberst and Phoebe Bridgers speak onstage
Conor Oberst and Phoebe Bridgers speak onstage | Alison Buck/WireImage

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Aside from Manson, Bridgers also stands in solidarity with the women who’ve had negative experiences with Moore’s ex-husband, Adams. NME notes she spoke against Adams in The New York Times.

Bridgers talked about the manipulation and abuse she experienced as a result of cutting off their romance. While Bridgers initially called their romantic encounter “brief” and “consensual,” it quickly took a turn. “He asked me to bring him something in his hotel room,” she noted of one instance of extreme discomfort. “I came upstairs and he was completely nude.”

Ultimately, a number of allegations have come to light regarding Adams’ behavior — and Bridgers feels supported. “When a team of amazing fact-checkers and journalists unafraid of actual lawsuits are on your side … I feel really lucky I met so many people who were willing to go to bat for me,” she added.

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