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Reese Witherspoon is one of the most popular actresses in Hollywood. She became well-known about 20 years ago after starring in movies like Cruel Intentions (1999), Legally Blonde (2001), and Sweet Home Alabama (2002).

Witherspoon is often viewed positively among the public, but a recent lawsuit could threaten to tarnish her reputation. A group of teachers have decided to take Witherspoon to court for allegedly being misleading.

Reese Witherspoon
Reese Witherspoon | Jason Merritt/Getty Images

Reese Witherspoon’s company promised to give away free dresses to teachers

In early April, Witherspoon’s clothing company, Draper James, announced it would give away free dresses to teachers amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

“Dear Teachers: We want to say thank you,” the company wrote on its Instagram page. “During quarantine, we see you working harder than ever to educate our children. To show our gratitude, Draper James would like to give teachers a free dress.”

Draper James also noted this giveaway would only be valid “while supplies last.”

Shortly after the post went up, many teachers went on the company’s website to fill out an application form. However, as reported by the New York Times, Draper James did not “anticipate the volume of the response.” The website quickly crashed and almost one million people sent in an application when the company only had 250 dresses to give away.

Why three teachers are filing a class action lawsuit against Witherspoon

Because of the short supplies, Draper James could not give every applicant a dress. As a result, three teachers are now suing Draper James and Witherspoon for being misleading.

According to TMZ, the teachers claim they were misled into thinking every person who applied would get a dress. However, Draper James failed to disclose that they actually had just 250 dresses to give away.

The lawsuit also accused Witherspoon of using the giveaway as a way to advertise Draper James. Her giveaway was featured on shows like Today and Good Morning America. Additionally, the New York Times noted anyone who applied for the giveaway had to provide their email address, which quickly received numerous emails promoting Draper James and its products.

Witherspoon’s legal team says the lawsuit has ‘no basis’


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Witherspoon has not commented on the lawsuit, but Draper James’ attorney, Theane Evangelis, told TMZ: “This lawsuit is an unjust attempt to exploit Draper James’ good intentions to honor the teacher community by gifting hundreds of free dresses. The fact that supplies were limited, such that a free dress could not be provided to every teacher who responded, was disclosed and is no basis for a lawsuit.”

Evangelis also added: “Draper James looks forward to defending this case, to continuing its efforts to acknowledge the extraordinary contributions made by teachers during this time of need, and to being vindicated in court.”

Witherspoon was once sued over plagiarism

This is actually not the first time Witherspoon was hit with a lawsuit. In 2016, Witherspoon and the team behind the movie Gone Girl were sued by a writer for allegedly plagiarizing a screenplay she wrote. However, the case was dismissed by a judge.