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Almost every Marvel Cinematic Universe project contains a post-credits scene that teases the future of its characters, and hopefully, the same could be said for Moon Knight. Only the first episode of the Marvel Disney+ series has aired, but fans are already craving more. And although the show seems to stand on its own in the MCU, many are hoping that a post-credits scene will allude to crossovers featuring Oscar Isaac’s character.

'Moon Knight' Episode 1, which doesn't have a post-credits scene, stars Oscar Isaac as Steven Grant, who wears a white shirt and stares at a goldfish in the photo.
Oscar Isaac as Steven Grant | Marvel Studios

‘Moon Knight’ producer hints at a post-credits scene

Per TVLine, reporters asked directors Mohamed Diab, Justin Benson, and Aaron Moorhead and executive producer Grant Curtis if upcoming Moon Knight episodes would contain any post-credits scenes. Unfortunately, Diab, Benson, and Moorhead refused to answer the question, typical for people working for Marvel Studios. But Curtis did divulge a small tease regarding an end-credits scene.

The executive producer shared, “The Marvel story is never-ending, so this story continues one way or another, whether it’s in the end credits or beyond.”

It seems like Curtis is confident that Oscar Isaac has a future in the MCU after Moon Knight ends. And going off the fan reactions to the show, he’s likely correct. But whether or not a Moon Knight post-credits scene teases that future remains to be seen.

When should fans expect to see a possible ‘Moon Knight’ post-credits scene?

Five Marvel shows debuted on Disney+ before Moon Knight, and all of them featured a post-credits scene.

While not all of them previewed upcoming projects for the characters, it’s important to point out that every series had one. And they all were vastly different. Some only had an end-credits scene in the finale, and others had them sprinkled throughout a few episodes. So it’s very likely that Moon Knight will have at least one.

Perhaps Moon Knight will have a mid-credits or end-credits scene before the finale. And the show may contain one in episode 6, as well. The specifics are unknown, but knowing Marvel, a post-credits scene in Moon Knight is highly probable. And hopefully, it will confirm that Moon Knight is not a one-and-done MCU project for Oscar Isaac.


Oscar Isaac Says He Doesn’t Have a Marvel Contract After ‘Moon Knight’ Ends

Oscar Isaac discusses his future in the MCU

Unfortunately, Oscar Isaac revealed to Variety that he is not contractually obligated to appear in more MCU shows or movies after the Moon Knight finale.

“I had heard of the golden handcuffs,” Isaac said. “That was something that I was reticent about. And luckily, we all agreed that this [show] is what we’re going to focus on. This is the story. And if there’s any kind of future, I think it just depends on if people like it, if people want to see more, and if we find a story that’s worth telling.”

The good news is that the fans have spoken, and they want as much of Oscar Isaac as Moon Knight as they can get. So there is hope that Marvel sees the positive feedback from Moon Knight and they extend Isaac’s contract.

Moon Knight airs Wednesdays on Disney+.