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For many people, meeting Michael Jackson was one of their biggest dreams, and Will Smith was one of those people.

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air star desperately wanted to meet Jackson at an awards show when he was just starting out. Luckily, thanks to a scuffle allegedly started by Suge Knight, Smith was able to meet Jackson while hidden in a utility closet. 

Will Smith is a big Michael Jackson fan

Will Smith meets Michael Jackson
Will Smith attends the “Concussion” New York premiere | Jim Spellman/WireImage

Born in 1968, Smith grew up when Michael Jackson was the biggest star in the world. With hit albums such as Off the Wall and Thriller out during his youth, it’s easy to understand why Smith is such a big fan. 

His love for Jackson reached its peak when he got the opportunity to meet him at the BET Awards. According to Smith’s Youtube channel, he was determined to meet the legend. 

“I wanted to meet him my whole life,” Smith said. “I saw him from across the room, but he was just too far, and I was like ‘Gah!’ and I just couldn’t get to him in the crowd. And I’m like ‘the day has gone by and I’m like yo, I’m about to go this whole award show and I’m not gonna meet my idol, I gotta meet Mike!”

Finally, as he was about to present an award, Smith thought he’d found an opening to meet Jackson.

The ‘Fresh Prince’ got stashed in a closet with the ‘King of Pop’

Unfortunately, right before Smith could approach Jackson, a frenzy broke out. Apparently, record label executive Suge Knight had caused an uproar, and security had to whisk Smith away. 

Next, Smith’s security guard shoved him in a utility closet to keep him safe. Smith stood there in the dark, wondering what was going on when he heard a sound inside the closet.

“All of a sudden it starts to get quiet, and I’m like, ‘yo.’ And I hear ‘Hey’. I’m like ‘Oh sh-t!’ And I turn around, and Michael Jackson is behind me in the closet. I was like ‘Oh, Mike!?’ He’s like. ‘Hey, how you doing?’”

The two then shared a short conversation in the closet, with Jackson asking Smith what was going on. Smith claims they both agreed Suge Knight caused a lot of trouble and that Jackson said Suge “can’t figure out how to be happy.”

Michael Jackson wanted to trade comic books with Will Smith


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According to Smith, when he finally had the chance to ask Jackson his burning questions, he froze up. However, Jackson had a few questions of his own for Smith. Jackson asked Smith if he was into comic books, and revealed to him that he had a Fantastic 4, 1st Edition #4 he wanted to trade.

Before things could get much further, Smith claims Jackson’s security burst into the room and shoved Smith out of the way. Michael Jackson prepares to leave the room and simply says “Bye Will, see you around.”

“I guess I’ve got Suge Knight to thank for it,” Smith says.