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Kate Middleton at Wimbledon? The chair of the All England Lawn Tennis Club, which hosts the Wimbledon Tennis Championships, still hopes the Princess of Wales, the organization’s patron, will attend. What they’re “hopeful” Kate, who’s still undergoing preventative chemotherapy treatment, is able to do at the tournament. Plus, when the 42-year-old is most likely to be at Centre Court, according to a royal author. Get ready to mark the calendar.

Wimbledon boss is ‘hopeful’ Kate will present trophies

Debbie Jevans, AELTC chair, told Telegraph Sport the organization is prepared to give Kate “as much flexibility as possible” if she’s feeling up to participating in the trophy ceremonies at the London, England, tournament.  

“We’re hopeful that the Princess of Wales will be able to present the trophies as the Club’s patron, but her health and recovery is the priority,” she said. “We don’t know what we don’t know. All we’ve said is that we’ll work with her and give her as much flexibility as possible.” 

As for who will fill in for Kate if she’s unable to attend, Jevans said no stand-in is currently lined up. 

“I don’t know who would present the trophies as an alternative—that’s something to consider nearer the time if necessary,” she told the outlet. “We’re staying flexible. When we hear we’ll then think about what’s the right thing to do.” 

Since the late Queen Elizabeth II appointed Kate as patron in 2016, Wimbledon has been a must-attend event on Kate’s calendar. She’s known to be in the stands multiple times, sometimes with tennis players or fellow British royals. 

Kate Middleton hands out Wimbledon trophy wearing a green dress.
Kate Middleton | Jed Jacobsohn/Getty Images

Kate Middleton may be ‘too exposed’ in the royal box at Wimbledon

Discussing Wimbledon as Kate’s next possible appearance, royal expert and author Ingrid Seward told Newsweek there’s also a drawback. Namely, being “too exposed” in the royal box. 

“I think that’s too soon and she’ll be so exposed in the royal box,” the My Mother and I author said. “I mean, she’s mad about tennis, but I would think she might be a bit too exposed there.”

That could involve exposure to cameras as well as the sun and summer temperatures as Kate would have to sit in the royal box for hours during the match. Seward, however, didn’t dismiss the idea of Kate going to the famed tennis tournament. 

“I think there’s a chance she’ll go to Wimbledon, but if she does, it won’t be more than once. The singles final will be the moment to go,” she said. 

If Seward’s prediction is correct, look out for Kate toward the end of the tournament. According to the official schedule, the Ladies’ Singles Final is on July 13, 2024, and the Gentlemen’s Singles Final is on July 14, 2024. 

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Kate ‘hopes’ to make more appearances this summer

On June 14, 2024, Kate gave an update on her health. In a statement posted to Instagram alongside a portrait of the royal taken a week earlier by photographer Matt Porteous, the 42-year-old said she’s “making good progress.” She also noted, however, that “there are good days and bad days.” 

Kate went on to suggest Trooping the Colour wouldn’t be her only outing this summer. “[I] hope to join a few public engagements over the summer. But equally knowing I am not out of the woods yet.” 

At the time of writing, Kate hasn’t officially returned to public life. She’s still being treated for preventative chemotherapy for “a few more months.” 

July 2023 marked her last Wimbledon appearance. Kate went to the finals with Prince William and their two oldest children, Prince George, 10, and Princess Charlotte, 9.