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Rick Springfield is best known for his career in acting and music. But the rock star is also a published author. Learn more about Springfield’s latest book World On Fire. 

'World On Fire'
‘World On Fire’ | Audible

Rick Springfield is a novelist 

The rockstar released his first book in 2010. A memoir, Late, Late at Night delves into Springfield’s career as an actor and musician with glimpses into his personal life. Later, in 2014, Springfield released his first book Magnificent Vibration. The New York Times best-selling novel ended on a cliff hanger, leaving many fans waiting for the sequel. World On Fire debuted in January 2021.

What is Rick Springfield’s book ‘World On Fire’ about? 

The environmentally-conscious novel gives readers a glimpse at what the world could look like if we don’t start taking care of it. 

“Houston, we have a problem!” Springfield said in a press release. “Pandemic. Fires. Hurricanes. Isolation. TV re-runs. The end seems near.” 

Like so many of his fans, Springfield loves the planet. But he hopes his latest novel will urge readers to take charge and prevent further damage to Earth. 

“The destruction we’re bringing to [Earth’s] door is frightening,” he continues in the release. “I really want to change the ending. Then, I realized that I could — in fiction. So I wrote a novel about it and gave our planet a happier resolution. Of sorts.” 


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‘World on Fire’ is a humorous look at a pandemic

While some fans might think World On Fire feels all too familiar to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic we’re living through, Springfield says his book is more lighthearted and humorous. 

“My pandemic is kind of funny,” the author told Showbiz Cheat Sheet over the phone. “It’s a humorous book that I started six years ago [before the coronavirus].” World On Fire is a sequel to Magnificent Vibrations, but Springfield said it’s also a “standalone novel.” 

“The whole impetus was my fear of what we’re doing to the planet and how overpopulated the world is,” he continued. “[World On Fire is my way of] trying to find some kind of solution through that. It ends up involving God and aliens and wiping out half the planet. But like I said, it’s humor.” 

Rick Springfield wants readers to enjoy his book and learn something

Showbiz Cheat Sheet asked Springfield what he wants readers to take away from World On Fire

“Wow,” he began. “Enjoyment. That’s why I do anything — to connect with people and share what I do and hope that they get some fun from it.” But more importantly, Springfield hopes his book will stress what we can do to start saving Earth. 

“I think everybody’s concerned about the planet,” he said. “I don’t really need to preach anything about that — it’s not a preachy novel at all. [But there are] a lot of facts in there.” Springfield conducted a lot of research when writing World On Fire. “All the stuff that is quoted in the book is all factual,” he added.

Springfield recognizes how big of an undertaking saving the planet is. But he is still hopeful that someone might pick up World On Fire and go “Woah — there’s something I can do.”

Where to buy Rick Springfield’s ‘World On Fire’ 

Springfield collaborated with Audible on this hilarious, original story. Fans can purchase World On Fire through the online audiobook service.