‘Yellowstone’: Counting Down Beth Dutton’s 10 Most Bad*** Moments to Get Fans Excited for Season 5
Yellowstone’s Beth Dutton (Kelly Reilly) is a force of nature who is full of sassy one-liners and foul-mouthed insults. Writer Taylor Sheridan has occasionally given fans a glimpse into Beth’s warm heart and soft spot for her father, John Dutton (Kevin Costner), and husband Rip Wheeler (Cole Hauser). But her fierceness, determination, and sharp tongue make it clear that she shouldn’t be messed with. Ahead of the season 5 premiere, here are Beth Dutton’s 10 most bad*** Yellowstone moments — so far.

10. ‘Yellowstone’s Beth Dutton is not a fan of ‘city boys’
Beth showed how much of a bad*** she is in season 1 during an interaction with “city boy” Ted. After sizing him up in a bar, Beth put him in his place.
“Let’s be honest Ted, you didn’t come here to fish. You’re hunting. That’s why you’re sitting in a bar instead of standing in a river,” Beth tells Ted before he asks, “Who the hell are you to judge me?”
“I ain’t judging you, buddy…. I’m hunting too, just not hunting you,” she says.
“What’s wrong with me?” Ted wondered. To which Beth replies: “You look like a real soft f**k, Ted. All you city boys do.”
9. Her name is her weapon
Beth uttered a legendary line in season 1 that tells you everything you need to know about the sassy character. When a cowboy tells Beth that she looks like she’s worth “a ride around the arena,” she tells him he can’t talk to her like that.
“You better have a big pistol in that purse,” the cowboy says. She replies, “I do. It’s called my name. Beth Dutton. What’s yours?”
8. Beth Dutton loves to insult her brother Jamie
While taking a bath and drinking champagne outside on the ranch, she tells her brother Jamie (Wes Bentley): “Every so often, you say something that makes me think you’re smart. And then I look at you, and that thought fades.”
In another scene, Jamie tells her “Cancer is suicide from the inside, out. That’s what you are, Beth.”
Her comeback to that was quite a bad*** moment. Beth says — while smoking a cigarette — “Wow, that’s really deep Jamie. You must be watching Ted Talks on Youtube.”
7. Everything is for sale
In a Yellowstone Season 2 episode, Beth starts buying up property to protect her family’s land — which brings her to a location known as the Pelican Ranch.
“Why do you call it the Pelican Ranch,” Beth asks the owner. He replies, “We moved from San Francisco, always worried we’d miss the ocean. When our agent brought us here, there was a pelican in the pond. Like the ocean followed us here. Our agent said he’d never seen a pelican before.”
When Beth hears that answer, she proceeds to break down how the man was tricked into buying the property, and that the bird wasn’t a pelican. Instead, it was a decoy bird to scare off all the other birds that wanted to eat the trout.
“I’d like to buy your ranch,” Beth says. “Oh, it’s not for sale,” the man replies. “Everything’s for sale, buddy. How much? Name your price,” Beth demands. The man jokingly says “9 million,” and then Beth hands him a check for that amount.
“Now get out of my house,” Beth tells him.
6. Beth Dutton can take care of her own bar tab
When the bartender tells Beth that her father’s enemy Dan Jenkins (Danny Huston) has paid for her drinks, she responds in the most bad*** Beth Dutton way possible. “I wouldn’t let that c**ksucker pay for my funeral.”
5. Interesting ideas for bathroom decor
When Willa Hayes (Karen Pittman) shows up at Schwartz & Meyer in season 2 to fire Beth, she is not scared or intimidated. Instead, Beth makes her a promise.
“When all of this is over, I’m gonna hang your diploma above my toilet in my guest house. You have my word,” Beth says. “The sting never fades with me. It is a painful lesson, and one you’re about to learn.”
4. Proposing to Rip Wheeler
Beth’s love for Rip on Yellowstone should never be questioned. And, we believe one of her most bad*** moments of the series is when she proposes to him. After presenting Rip with a wedding band that “looks like an O-ring,” Beth tells him what that ring means.
“I didn’t think you were a diamonds and gold kind of girl. You know what I mean?” Beth tells Rip.
“I don’t need presents, Beth. Just you,” Rip tells her. To which she replies, “Well that’s what it means. It means that you, that you have me. That I’m yours. It means come live your life with me. The only thing I ask is that you outlive me, so that I never have to live another day without you.”
3. Beth Dutton is a tornado
In a tense scene between Beth and Roarke Carter (Josh Holloway) during Season 3, Episode 5 “Cowboys and Dreamers,” it’s clear that Roarke underestimates the fierce woman he’s dealing with.
“Think you’re up for this fight, Beth? You have no idea how wrong you are,” Roarke tells her. “Well, right back at ya,” she replies. “You are the trailer park. I am the tornado.”
2. Giving bad*** advice
At the end of season 2, Beth was saved by her boyfriend Rip when thugs entered her office, attacked her, and tried to kill her. The following season, Beth still had some noticeable scars from the attack. And they allowed her to have a moment where she gave some bad*** advice.
Beth enters a convenience store to buy alcohol, and notices the cashier has bruises on her face. There’s also a jar on the counter to collect money for the cashier’s young son who has cancer.
“Dealing with this, and he still does that to you?” Beth asks as she puts $200 in the jar, and the cashier nods. “Someone’s doing it to you, too?” she asks.
“Not anymore they’re not,” Beth replies.
“How? How did you make him stop?” the cashier asks.
“My boyfriend put his head through a wall. Then I smashed his skull with an eight-pound ashtray. New boyfriend. Big a** ashtray. It was just a thought, ” Beth tells the cashier as she walks out the door.
1. ‘Yellowstone’s’ Beth Dutton is chopping down a family tree
Many of Beth’s most bad*** moments have happened in a bar, and the number one moment on our list is no exception. First, she tells Dan Jenkins, “Where’s the fun in wrecking a single man? When I break you, I want to know I’m breaking generations.”
Later, she drops this bomb: “Remember what I said Dan, generations.” To which Jenkins replies, “You think I wanna f**k you?”
“Oh no. A deal’s a deal. Besides, I’m not f**king you, I’m f**king her. And if you have a brother I’m f**king him too. I’m chopping your family tree down,” Beth warns.
Yellowstone Season 5 premieres Sunday, November 13 on the Paramount Network.