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‘You’ Isn’t the Only Show That Utilized the ‘Gilmore Girls’ Set During Its Filming

Netflix's 'You' repurposed part of the Stars Hollow set for its third season. While fans were delighted by the connection, it's not the only time the famed town has appeared in other shows. 'Pretty Little Liars' also utilized the set, and parts of the movie, 'La La Land,' used the town, too.

Gilmore Girls fans were more than a little shocked to see elements of Stars Hollow appear in the Netflix thriller, You. Loyal fans quickly noticed that Joe and Love seemed to be spending their suburban existence in a town that one would expect Taylor Doose to be minding.

The building that served as Luke’s Diner for all seven seasons of Gilmore Girls is easily spotted in a few scenes. While the You and Gilmore Girls connection is lighting the internet on fire, it is far from the first time that elements of Stars Hollow have popped up in a completely different show. 

The building used for Luke’s Diner in ‘Gilmore Girls’ is visible in Netflix’s ‘You’ 

Gilmore Girls fans found an unlikely link between You and the famed Warner Bros. dramedy. In scenes from season 3, fans see Joe Goldberg and Love Quinn standing in front of A Fresh Tart, a bakery in their new suburban town. While the actual building that houses A Fresh Tart doesn’t have a ton of significance to Gilmore Girls, a building in the background does. 

Love Quinn, Andrew, Sherry Conrad and Kiki stand in A Fresh Tart in 'You'
A Fresh Tart in ‘You’ | John P. Fleenor/ Netflix © 2021

Sitting adjacent to the bakery is a small corner building that Gilmore Girls fans were quick to identify as Luke’s Diner. While the building that houses the bakery doesn’t have any major significance to Gilmore Girls, serious action took place in and around the building in You, though. 

‘Pretty Little Liars’ was filmed on the ‘Gilmore Girls’ set 

By the time fans met Spencer and her pals in Pretty Little Liars, Gilmore Girls was off the air. Still, fans of Gilmore Girls could see plenty of Stars Hollow in the fictional town of Rosewood, Pennsylvania. Both shows were filmed on the same Warner Bros. backlot. The production team repurposed most of Stars Hollow to create Rosewood. 

Alexis Bledel as Rory Gilmore, standing in front of Stars Hollow Books in Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life Season 4
Alexis Bledel as Rory Gilmore in ‘Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life’ | Saeed Adyani/Netflix

Luke’s Diner is seen regularly in Pretty Little Liars. The building served as The Apple Rose Grille. Stars Hollow High was repurposed too. Instead of serving as a school, it was used as Rosewood’s Town Hall. Kim’s Antiques, where Lane Kim lived, was also used as a residence in Pretty Little Liars

The production team for ‘La La Land’ used Stars Hollow, too 

The set that created the iconic town of Stars Hollow wasn’t just used in other small-screen shows. Fans who happened to catch La La Land in theaters had the chance to see Stars Hollow on the big screen, too. According to a Reddit user, the film used the Stars Hollow set, too. In fact, one scene offers a walk across the entire backlot.


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Luke’s Diner is also visible in the background of scenes where Mia is working at the cafe. The cafe is the same building used in You as the bakery. It brings the connection full circle.

Netflix confirmed that they filmed You on the same lot as the Gilmore Girls set. The streaming provider didn’t acknowledge the connection between A Fresh Tart and Café Sur Le Lot.