Our editorial policy
Showbiz Cheat Sheet is committed to honest and accurate journalism. For more than 15 years, we’ve been reporting on all things related to show business. We do this through an experienced staff of full-time writers and editors who pride themselves on researching and publishing original content to delight our millions of readers.
Every article features a byline with the author’s name and a link to their bio.
We provide fans with the latest entertainment and celebrity news. We never pay for stories or tips, and our content is never influenced by our advertisers. We provide a seamless, positive ad experience without sacrificing our integrity. Our team follows the SPJ Code of Ethics.
Fact checking
Delivering quality content to our readers is our fundamental goal as a publisher. We seek to establish trust with our readers so they can know that the information they find on our sites is credible and reliable. This is our fact-checking commitment.
We prioritize transparency. Our writers and editors produce content independently, and they must disclose any potential conflicts of interest. We cite our sources in every piece, and when we make mistakes, we own them with timely corrections and include a note letting our readers know about the changes. We avoid anonymous sources.
Readers may contact us by filling out this simple form. We love hearing from our readers and learning how we can improve.
Diversity and inclusion
Showbiz Cheat Sheet believes everyone deserves respect. We strive to elevate diverse stories that are free of bias, and we provide a safe and fair working environment for our content creators. We prioritize holding ourselves to a high standard so everyone is represented as much as possible. We continuously elevate our production and hiring processes.