’Alchemy of Souls’ Season 2: Popular Theory Suggests Cho-yeong Is the Water Dragon and Ice Stone
Alchemy of Souls fans have been busy coming up with storyline theories for the second season of the K-drama. Turmoil is on the horizon as the story picks up after a three-year time jump, and Jang Uk has become a monstrous killer with a broken heart. At the heart of the story is Cho-yeong, the famed Nak-su who has lost her memories. There is more to her than meets the eye, as a fan theory suggests Cho-yeong could be more than powerful in Alchemy of Souls Season 2.

‘Alchemy of Souls’ never explains Cho-yeong’s full backstory
Before becoming Nak-su, her name was Cho-yeong. In Alchemy of Souls Episode 5, fans learn her father was a constellation recorder mage for Cheonbugwan. But chaos ensued, and her father went on a killing spree before being killed by Park Jin. She was taken in by Jin Mu and forced to live in solitude and train herself to become a powerful mage.
But the mystery to Cho-yeong is who her mother is and her birth. Going into Alchemy of Souls Season 2, there is a popular theory that Cho-yeong is someone of greater power that no one expected. The theory suggests that she could be the Water Dragon appearing in the K-drama’s first episode.
The blue dragon appears only once as Jang Uk explains the backstory to Daeho. He explains, “The energy of the sky rules the wind, clouds, and rains. This energy reached the ground and created a huge form of energy.” As the story goes on, the dragon disappears, and Nak-su emerges.
The idea of Cho-yeong being the Water Dragon could also have a connection to her sword. The swords mages use are special, and Nak-su’s reacted strongly to finding its master, unlike others. Cho-yeong being the Water Dragon also correlates to another detailed theory for Alchemy of Souls Season 2.
Cho-yeong is the Water Dragon and the Ice Stone in ‘Alchemy of Souls’ Season 2
Many theories are circulating social media, but one theory by @jangukmypupil on Twitter blows the possible storyline wide open. The theory intersects the Water Dragon and the Ice Stone with the possibility that Cho-yeong is both.
The theory needs some detailed explanation. The grand magical lake created by the Water Dragon also led to the creation of the Ice Stone. Mage Choi and Seol Ran performed a ritual to refill the lake after a horrible drought. As the hail melted away, one remained and turned into fire, water, stone, and back to ice. The theory correlates to events that occurred while Nak-su was in Bu-yeon’s body.
Like the stone, Nak-su’s body was initially burned by fire. It then began to petrify like the Ice Stone when it became a hard stone. She then submerged herself in the lake during the Alchemy of Souls finale, paralleling the Ice Stone becoming water. Finally, Cho-yeong is trapped as a relic in her original body in Alchemy of Souls Season 2, leading to the Ice Stone’s original form.
The Cho-yeong theory for Alchemy of Souls Season 2 is convincing, especially when looking at the many clues that her soul is unlike any other mages. When fans first meet Master Lee in the fifth episode, he sees Mu-deok as a soul shifter. But upon further look, he realizes there is a far greater mage soul within her. Later on, when Mu-deok entered the Jin relics room, many relics began to speak and claimed, “She is here. It is her, the blind girl. It is the Ice Stone.” They were not speaking of Bu-yeon but of Nak-su/Cho-yeong.
How will Cho-yeong’s storyline play out in ‘Alchemy of Souls’ Season 2?
There are many more hints that Cho-yeong’s soul is powerful beyond belief. Fans must also remember that when she dived into the lake, her sword emitted a blue surge of power that reawakened her for a short time. The Alchemy of Souls Season 2 theory would also explain how she was able to become a powerful mage on her own.
TvN has released storyline details for Alchemy of Souls Season 2 and what could happen to Cho-yeong in correlation with the theory. For the season, she returns to her original form, but she is trapped by Lady Jin and has no memory of her past. Cho-yeong seeks answers and faces peril. The official teaser reveals if Jang Uk removes the Ice Stone within him, he will die.
In one scene, Cho-yeong touches his chest as if sensing the stone within him. But the official poster for Alchemy of Souls Season 2 also reveals a unique bracelet worn by Cho-yeong. Many theorize it helps maintain her bodily form but erases her memories.
Alchemy of Souls Season 2 will premiere on Dec. 10 on Netflix.