Below Deck’s Malia White Dishes ‘Total Ship Show’ Season 2 – ‘Very Exciting Guests’ [Exclusive]
Malia White from Below Deck Mediterranean will drop a new season of Total Ship Show and revealed that season 2 will dive deeper into the good, bad, and ugly aspects of the maritime industry.
“So [Total Ship Show] season 1 ended up being a lot of my fellow Below Deck castmates, which is great,” White explained to Showbiz Cheat Sheet. “But as the seasons progress, I want to include different walks of life from the maritime industry. So, we’ll hear from people from like the commercial sector, people from other parts of yachting, all different areas of the maritime industry, not just surrounding Below Deck.”
‘Total Ship Show’ Season 1 was a fun experience, Malia says
Last season of Total Ship Show was a learning experience since it was White’s first time hosting a podcast. “It was all a whole learning experience and I love it,” she said.

Thankfully she had plenty of support from the producers at Hurrdat Media. “We have a great team here at Hurrdat Media and they’ve helped us prepare kind of for podcast life,” White said. “And I think just naturally, Amanda and I feed off of one another, which is why I asked her to be my partner in this crazy journey.” Amanda Logan is a college friend who works as a financial advisor.
Malia White learned new things about her ‘Below Deck’ friends
White shared why she chose a landlubber friend for her co-host. “I could have gone and gotten another Below Deck yachtie,” White told Showbiz Cheat Sheet in a previous interview. “But I wanted someone who is, like a lot of the fans, has no clue what yachting is, what port or starboard is. Amanda is a financial adviser. She barely swims [laughs]. So, it’s great because she asks the questions that a lot of the fans would have. And be like, ‘Hang on, tell me more about this. This is interesting.’ So we kind of just break down the industry and our different perspectives and talk about it.”
Rather than stick to a script for each interview, White lets the guests lead the way. “As for preparing your questions, we kind of let the guest lead us that way. You know, like Kate Chastain, I had met Kate Chastain and I had heard about certain stories of hers from Below Deck. But I wanted to know the real Kate and she ended up having some wild stories that I had never heard. And then, Bobby’s [Giancola] a dear friend, and I wanted to dive into his life as a broker because I think that that’s a new side to Bobby that I think is fascinating.”
What can listeners expect from ‘Total Ship Show’ Season 2?
This season goes deeper into the maritime industry. “So season 2, we’ve got some very exciting guests,” White teased. “One of them is going to be Captain Kate McCue, who’s in cruise ships. And you probably recognize her. She’s the face of Celebrity Cruise Line at the moment. So, yeah more in the commercial realm.”
Captain Sandy Yawn and girlfriend Leah Shafer recently traveled aboard the Celebrity ship with McCue. It was Yawn’s first cruise and White said she too has never been on a cruise. “I’ve actually never been. And I didn’t think that it was something I was kind of drawn to until speaking to Captain Kate. I think if she’s driving the ship then, yeah, I’ll head out there,” she said.
White plans to feature more wild stories at sea this season too. “And then we’ve got some exciting stories of just like incidents that have happened at sea, which is another reason why I kind of wanted to build this platform is to show the other side to being at sea,” she continued. “It’s not all charter guests and running out of champagne. There’s actual dangerous things happening at sea.”
Total Ship Show Season 2 premieres on Tuesday, July 12.