‘Big Brother 22’: Julie Chen Finally Breaks Silence on Unexpected ‘Golden Rule’ Sign-Off
Julie Chen returned as host for Big Brother: All-Stars that brought back fan-favorite players from the past. The reality competition underwent some visual changes for its twenty-second season like an all-new set where Chen presents from. Another change that fans noticed is the sign-off quote the host used at the end of the live eviction, which confused many. After much debate on social media, Chen is finally revealing what she meant.

What did Julie Chen say?
On Thursday, August 13, Chen returned for the second live episode of the season and the first eviction. Throughout the history of Big Brother on CBS, the show has pretty much remained consistent in its format after the first seasons. Chen greets the audience, Chen says “but first,” Chen calls the housemates one-by-one to cast their votes to evict, and Chen reveals who the evicted contestant is.
The formula has worked for the eye network for so long, they have not dared to mess with it. When there’s a change in the script for the live episodes, fans tend to notice.
Back in 2018, Chen’s husband Les Moonves was ousted from CBS following allegations of sexual harassment. To show solidarity with her partner, Chen started singing off the show using her married last name. The change shocked fans and was met with mixed reviews. However, Chen using both of her last names has become standard now.
With this new season, Chen shared a quote to remind of the “golden rule.”
“From outside the Big Brother house, I’m Julie Chen Moonves, and remember the Golden Rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Good night,” Chen said before signing off for the night.
Fans go crazy
Passionate Big Brother fans took to social media to give their theories as to what Chen meant with her quote. Some thought it was about a “battle back” game twist for the future, others believed she was taking a jab at Ellen DeGeneres, and others thought she was talking about the death of media magnate Sumner Redstone.
Julie Chen explains quote
Following the show, Chen was interviewed and asked about what she said at the end of the Live Eviction episode. The TV host said it was “totally an outside-of-the-game message” and not part of the show.
“I mentioned the Golden Rule because I believe that if EVERYONE followed that principle we’d ALL be better off as a society, as a nation, as a world,” she told Entertainment Weekly. “I chose to close with those words because Black Lives Matter and now is the time to speak up.”
“If the number of Black lives that have been taken happened to people of your heritage, you would be saying (fill-in-the-blank) Lives Matter,” she continued. “It’s my faith in God that is getting me through these uncertain times. We CAN be better. Why not try? It can’t hurt. It can only help. Most of all, it’ll help the person who rises to the occasion.”
Big Brother airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET on CBS.