‘Big Brother 24’: Frenchie Gives Week 1 Advice to the New Houseguests
Hopefully, the Big Brother 24 cast has paid attention to past seasons to make a strategy for the new one. Brandon “Frenchie” French is giving his advice after fizzling out fast last season.
Frenchie’s game was ruined in week 1 of ‘Big Brother 23’

It can be a very good thing to win Head of Household (HOH) in the first week. Everyone wants to win you over to stay safe, and it could set the tone for the rest of the season.
Frenchie did just that in Big Brother 23. But his plan backfired because he promised multiple people safety, and got paranoid quickly. The other houseguests were quick to figure out he wasn’t going to be reliable and voted him out the next week.
It didn’t take long for Frenchie to realize where he went wrong. Now he’s back to give some advice.
Frenchie gives advice to ‘Big Brother 24’ houseguests
Fans are patiently waiting for the season 24 cast to be revealed. But some houseguests from last season are giving out their advice and that includes Frenchie.
“Some week 1 advice to bb24…. Just win comps and shut up zip it. Don’t give out info or feel like you have to be everyone’s friend. That was my mistake. Let those ppl tell you stuff and just take it to the bank! Info is ammo. #BB24,” he tweeted on June 30.
“Your adrenaline is going to pump 1000 times a second from the moment you walk in the door. Relax. Breathe and focus. It’ll be alright. Just be yourself. And when you get out of the house… ignore the noise,” he added.
“If your gut is telling you something then it’s probably right. Follow it and don’t get blinded. Speaking of blinded I hope you brought sunglasses,” the alum joked. “And for the love of god …. Don’t promise everyone and their momma safety,” he wrote in reference to his mistake. “And one last thing…. When @JCMoonves asks you if you want to roll the dice or whatever it is…… do it. Take the chance,” he advised.
When will the ‘Big Brother 24’ cast be revealed?
The new season premieres on July 6, and no one knows who is in the cast. But Janelle Pierzina tweeted on June 30, “Just got word cast reveal is tomorrow! Thanks goodness #BB24 I can’t wait to see the cast list and pick my pre-season favs.”
Pierzina previously competed in seasons 7, 14, and 22. It’s very possible her tweet is correct since last year’s cast was reported on July 1.
Julie Chen Moonves has teased the new season with pictures from the set. A week ago she posted a picture on Instagram outdoors and captioned it with, “It’s giving First Day of #Summer and 2 Weeks until #BB24 But can you spot any clues.”