‘Big Brother 24’ Spoilers: Taylor Had a Panic Attack During the Week 10 HOH
Chaos breeds chaos, which couldn’t be more true in the Big Brother 24 house. Emotions were high after an intense double eviction, so what better time to participate in another competition? The Big Brother 24 week 10 Head of Household competition lasted hours, and when the live feeds turned back on, it was evident that something had happened to Taylor Hale.
[Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers from the Big Brother 24 live feeds and episode 28.]

A recap of the double eviction
After Terrance Higgins was evicted by a vote of 4-0, host Julie Chen Moonves informed the final six that double eviction night was upon them. They headed to the backyard to see who would be the next player in power.
Since Michael Bruner was the outgoing HOH, he couldn’t compete. Alyssa Snider, Taylor Hale, Brittany Hoopes, Matthew Turner, and Monte Taylor battled in the tenth HOH competition of Big Brother 24. And Turner won.
Turner later nominated Alyssa and Brittany for eviction, but a Power of Veto was still up for grabs. At the POV competition, in which all six houseguests competed, Monte won. He used the veto on Alyssa, and Turner nominated Michael in her place.
Michael gave an iconic speech before the vote where he pledged his loyalty to Alyssa and Taylor, threw Brittany under the bus, and claimed that if they kept him, he would target Turner and Monte. However, his Hail Mary didn’t work, and by a vote of 3-0, Michael was evicted from the Big Brother house.
Taylor competed in the ‘Big Brother 24’ week 10 HOH
Following Michael’s dramatic exit, Big Brother 24 threw the final five, minus outgoing HOH Turner, into the week 10 HOH competition. Monte won the HOH, securing his spot in the final four.
The live feeds were down for the HOH until around 2:30 a.m. PT, and when they returned, Taylor was unwell. At first, fans thought that her behavior might have been due to losing the HOH, but we later learned it was because of her experience in the competition. Taylor was in the upstairs loft, trying to calm herself down. She said, “That was so scary. That was so terrifying.”
Taylor went back downstairs and explained the HOH competition to Turner. She said, “It was a horror theme. It started with the lights on, and you had to pretend you were going to a Horror Fest, and somebody got out, and someone is going to kill people at the house where you’re at … Then they flicker the lights. They go off, and that’s when you had to start.”
Taylor continued, “So you had to grab these wooden panels and put them on the door and keep moving throughout the house. And do that six times, six different doors. There was a wooden panel in the crawl space, and when you got out on the other side, you had to turn around and put the wooden blockade on the crawl space from the other side, and then you were in a room where there were four doors. I didn’t make it that far.”
Monte and Alyssa added that there was banging on the walls, bodies hanging from the ceiling, and screaming.
Taylor revealed that she had a panic attack during the Big Brother 24 HOH competition. And she had to quit to take care of her mental health.
Is Taylor in danger of being nominated during week 10 of ‘Big Brother 24’?
Although Taylor could not win the final five Big Brother 24 HOH, she should be safe this week.
Monte has already told Alyssa and Brittany that he’s nominating them. He stated that he doesn’t want to promise people anything, so it’s unclear who is Monte’s target. He would likely be happy with either Alyssa or Brittany going to the jury house since he’s closest to Turner and Taylor.
However, the POV could change everything. If Taylor wins, she would likely take down Brittany, forcing Monte to nominate Turner. But if either Brittany or Alyssa wins, Monte would probably nominate Taylor in their place. And only time will tell if Monte or Turner would use the veto if they won it.
A new episode of Big Brother 24 airs Sunday, Sept. 11, at 8:30 p.m. ET on CBS.
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