‘Big Brother 24’: Taylor Was the Mastermind Behind Michael’s Eviction
Big Brother fans cannot stop talking about the latest double eviction. It contained everything that makes the show great — betrayals, blindsides, fighting, and iconic exits. But behind the chaotic mess was Taylor Hale, who deserves credit for her part in sending Michael Bruner to the Big Brother 24 jury house.

Michael was evicted during the ‘Big Brother 24’ double eviction
The houseguests first sent Terrance Higgins packing during the Big Brother 24 live eviction. And following his interview with Julie Chen Moonves, the host informed the final six that another person would be following Terrance to the jury house that night.
Since Michael was the outgoing Head of Household, he couldn’t play in the first competition. Taylor, Monte Taylor, Matthew Turner, Brittany Hoopes, and Alyssa Snider competed for power, and Turner came out on top.
Turner nominated Alyssa and Brittany for eviction. At the Power of Veto competition, the six houseguests had to untangle themselves from a cable and plug it into an amp. Monte finished first and won the POV. He used the veto on Alyssa, and Turner nominated Michael as her replacement.
Michael fought hard to stay in the house and even threw Brittany under the bus during his eviction speech. However, the target on his back was too big, and by a vote of 3-0, Michael was evicted from the Big Brother 24 house.
Why Taylor deserves credit for Michael’s eviction in ‘Big Brother 24’
To understand how and why Michael left during the Big Brother 24 double eviction, we have to rewind the tapes.
Earlier in week nine, Brittany told Turner that Alyssa was trying to start an all-girls alliance. He took this information to Monte and Michael, and they decided to form an all-guys alliance.
As fans know, Monte and Turner have wanted Michael out of the game for weeks because of his record-breaking number of competition wins. However, the women working together scared the duo even more than Michael’s power did. But then Taylor changed everything. She told Monte about the bogus all-girls alliance without him prompting her.
Although it was now apparent that the women weren’t faithful to one another, Monte and Turner continued to work with Michael. They thought Michael would be loyal to them (he wouldn’t be) and carry them to the final three. However, Taylor swooped in and changed their minds.
On Wednesday, Sept. 7, Taylor had a conversation with Monte. She reminded him that if they had the chance to take a shot at Michael, they had to take it. So whenever Michael lost POV, they would have to evict him. And then, Taylor had a good discussion with Turner, which convinced him not to nominate her if he won HOH to build trust with her. Both of these talks came into play during the live eviction.
Overall, Taylor had numerous good talks during week nine, all of which secured her spot in the final five and sent Michael to the jury house. Of course, Turner and Monte pulled the trigger, but they wouldn’t have done so if Taylor hadn’t planted the seeds about targeting Michael during the Big Brother 24 double eviction.
Does Taylor have a good shot at winning?
Taylor is in a good spot in the Big Brother 24 house after Michael left. She’s been wanting him gone for the past couple of weeks, and her plan worked. Now, Brittany has to attach herself to Taylor, Turner wants to be on Taylor’s good side, Alyssa like Taylor more than Brittany, and Monte is willing to take Taylor far into the game.
If Taylor can survive week 10 of Big Brother 24 and then win the final four POV competition, she has a good chance of winning. Perhaps Taylor will be the first Big Brother player to win the game and America’s Favorite Houseguest.
New episodes of Big Brother 24 air Sundays and Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET and Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET on CBS.
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