‘Big Brother’ Fans Demand Rule Changes After Season 24
Big Brother Season 24 was a series of ups and downs. It began with controversy and ended with one of the most satisfying wins in the show’s history. But after reflecting on the season, many fans are calling for rule changes in future iterations of the game.

How did ‘Big Brother’ Season 24 end?
Taylor Hale was the star of Big Brother Season 24 from the beginning to the end. Numerous houseguests unjustly bullied and isolated her during the first couple of weeks inside the house. Viewers of the show and the live feeds spoke out about the mistreatment of Taylor and were upset with Big Brother‘s casting process.
However, as the weeks went by, it was clear that the players couldn’t get rid of Taylor so easily. She joined the Leftovers, who dominated the early stage of the game. And Taylor built relationships that furthered her longevity in the Big Brother 24 house.
Although there were a few speed bumps along the way, Taylor worked her way into the final two chairs on finale night. In a landslide 8-1 vote, the jury crowned her the winner of Big Brother Season 24. And as a bonus, fans voted her as America’s Favorite Player.
Fans share what changes they would like to see producers make for future seasons
Following the Big Brother Season 24 finale, fans took to Reddit to discuss what changes they would like producers to make for the show’s future.
The original poster wrote, “What rule changes would you like to see for [Big Brother 25]? I’d like to see them do the veto like [Big Brother Canada], where HOH doesn’t get to play. This will cause the veto to be used a lot more often … Oh, and get rid of have-nots. It’s stupid at this point. After week one, we don’t really even know who they are. Just have an extra bedroom upstairs.”
A fan commented, “The jury questioning should take place BEFORE finale night. Gives the final two more time[s] to explain their game like older seasons. With the format they have now, the jury questioning and the final two speeches mean absolutely nothing. The jurors have their mind made up when they walk on the stage.”
“It’s not a rule, but: I’m tired of the scripted [diary room] sessions,” one Reddit user shared. “Just let them talk normally. It worked just fine the first 10 or so seasons.”
Another person said, “I really want weekly luxury and/or food comps back. People winning these always piss off other houseguests. And do not announce the vote!”
“Not really a rule, but format change. I’d love to see the end of the game sped up,” a fan suggested. “Once you get down to final six, the last three weeks of the game drags. They could drop from five to finale in one week if they needed to. It takes away some length to the game, but they could keep it at the beginning with something like a battle back or other similar ideas to keep people in the house.”
Everything we know about ‘Big Brother’ Season 25
Unfortunately, not much is known about Big Brother Season 25. Host Julie Chen Moonves announced that CBS had renewed the series during the season 24 finale and that it would premiere next summer. Of course, none of this information came as a surprise to anyone.
Fans usually don’t learn more about upcoming seasons until a few weeks before they air. And sometimes it could be days. For example, fans didn’t know the cast of Big Brother 24 until a day before its premiere.
There have been rumors spread on the internet about season 25 being a Big Brother: Legends installment. It would be like All-Stars but include many winners and other masterminds. However, as of now, that’s just speculation. We will have to wait until next year to learn more about Big Brother Season 25.
Big Brother Season 24 is available to stream on Paramount+.