‘Big Brother’: Jeff Schroeder Says He’s Learned From ‘BB13’ Offensive Comment
Over 10 years ago, Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd met on Big Brother and have since married and welcomed two children into the world. Even though he’s known for his unforgettable use of the Coup d’Etat and notable showmance, many BB viewers aren’t fans of Jeff due to an offensive comment he made during season 13. After initially doubling down on his remarks, the talk show co-host has apologized and said he’s learned from the situation.

Jeff Schroeder competed on two seasons of ‘Big Brother’
In 2009, Illinois-based advertising salesman Jeff Schroeder debuted on Big Brother 11 and quickly hit it off with houseguest Jordan Lloyd.
The two were on the bottom of the house until America awarded him the Coup d’Etat, which he activated to evict Jessie “Mr. Pectacular” Godderz, presumably resulting in Chima Simone’s meltdown and ejection.
He maintained a good spot until Kevin Campbell tricked him into targeting his ally before turning on the Illinois native and evicting him the following episode.
Jeff and Jordan both returned for BB13 as part of the Veteran alliance. While he became a casualty of Double Eviction night, she went on to win the game.
He made an offensive comment during ‘BB13’
Toward the beginning of season 13, Jeff hung out in the HOH room with other houseguests, including Jordan and Kalia Booker. The latter began talking about a fictional character in the Harry Potter series, Albus Dumbledore, and why writer J.K. Rowling wrote him as a gay man, which she has since confirmed.
Jeff spoke up and claimed he thought she shouldn’t have done so because he is the headmaster and “in school with little kids.” When Kalia pushed back, he told her to stop trying to be “P.C.” for television and seemingly got upset when she challenged him a third time.
He raised his voice, noting, “you’re not going to tell me the right answer for T.V.” Finally, Kalia explained she didn’t understand his point of view because her sister came out as gay.
Jeff then quickly ended the conversation, claiming if she didn’t get it, then neither did he. The room fell silent, causing another houseguest to change topics.
Schroeder apologized and said he has learned from his remark
His comment created a stir among Live Feed viewers who considered his beliefs homophobic. However, Jeff doubled down on his words before eventually apologizing during his exit interview with Entertainment Weekly.
10 years later, Jeff revisited his remarks while talking to Heavy.com, noting he has since changed his mind. The two-time player apologized and explained he used it “as a learning experience” after speaking with friends and family.
He also called it “one of the big failures” of his life and said he regretted his words. However, Jeff pointed out, “you have to fail sometimes to learn a big lesson.”
Additionally, he credits the situation, although it was a “bad experience” and caused him to lose fans, with helping him grow and become a better father and “all-around person.” Big Brother 23 premieres on July 7 on CBS.