Here’s Where August Alsina and Jada Pinkett Smith’s Relationship Stands Now After Entanglement Drama
The word of the year is “entanglement,” at least when it comes to anything regarding Jada Pinkett Smith or Will Smith. Details about the couple’s highly private relationship were shared this year when August Alsina revealed that he and Jada had been in a full relationship while she was married to Will. Here’s where Alsina and Jada stand now.

What happened between Jada Pinkett Smith and August Alsina?
There had been speculation that something was going on between Jada and Alsina for years but everything began to come out earlier this year when Alsina did an interview with Angela Yee of The Breakfast Club.
“I totally gave myself to that relationship for years of my life, and I truly and really, really deeply love and have a ton of love for her,” he said of Jada and their relationship. “I devoted myself to it, I gave my full self to it — so much so to the point that I can die right now and be OK with knowing that I truly gave myself to somebody.”
He claimed to have even gotten Will’s approval of the relationship.
“I actually sat down with Will and had a conversation due to the transformation from their marriage to life partnership … he gave me his blessing,” he said.
Jada Pinkett Smith tells her side of the story
After Alsina did his interview, reps for Will and Jada claimed that the story was false. However, when the pair addressed the issue on Red Table Talk, they told the truth.
Jada admitted that she was in an “entanglement” with Alsina that stemmed from her wanting to help him.
“I had to learn to break [my codependency] in this cycle, the idea of needing to fix and being drawn to people that need help…whether it’s your health, or whether it’s your addictions – there’s something about that childhood trauma that feels as though it can be fixed through fixing people versus fixing me,” she told Will on the show.
Why did August reveal the relationship?
For so long, Alsina kept the relationship between him and Jada private.
“I really am a private person,” he told People in a new interview. “People have never known much about my love life because it’s not important.”
But the rumors started to have an effect on his career and as the legal guardian for his three nieces, he couldn’t let that happen.
“I never really cared about what people thought of me, but my personal life started to seep into my business life,” he said. “There were certain falsities about me, and it affected my business relationships.”
Where do August and Jada stand now?
Though Alsina made a song called “Entanglements” which seemed to be making fun of the situation, Alsina said that he and the Smith’s relationship is just fine.
“It’s just a part of life, and it’s a part of the journey,” he said. “There’s a lot of love there. Sometimes truth is complicated and difficult. But [my relationship with them isn’t] broken at all.
“I’m always going to be in the driver’s seat of my life and control my narrative,” he continued. “I can’t let anybody else do that for me.”