Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy: Which ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ Star Has a Higher Net Worth?
Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy are two of the biggest stars in Hollywood, and when they joined forces for the action movie Mad Max: Fury Road, sparks flew. While the film was a big hit with critics and fans, as it turns out, Theron and Hardy caused sparks to fly behind the scenes as well.
The two were embroiled in a tense feud that made headlines, with showrunners detailing the extreme ill will between the two stars. These days, both Theron and Hardy have gained perspective on the fight, and have opened up a few times about the financial reasons at the root of the feud.
Why did Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron fight on the set of ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’?
Hardy and Theron were both big stars by the time they were cast in Mad Max: Fury Road. However, they didn’t exactly bond onset over the pressures of stardom.
According to a new book, Blood, Sweat & Chrome, there were several reasons why Hardy and Theron didn’t get along on the set of the film. As reported by Variety, there was a specific incident that really triggered the feud between Hardy and Theron.
“The call on set was eight o’clock. Charlize got there right at eight o’clock, sat in the War Rig, knowing that Tom’s never going to be there at eight even though they made a special request for him to be there on time,” camera operator Mark Goellnicht recalled, noting that Hardy was notorious for never being to the set on time.
First assistant camera Ricky Schamburg said that it felt like a “power play” designed by Hardy to irritate Theron. Whether that was true or not, it had the effect of incensing Theron, who went off on the actor as soon as he arrived to the set.
“She starts swearing her head off at him, saying, ‘Fine the f****** c*** a hundred thousand dollars for every minute that he’s held up this crew,’ and ‘How disrespectful you are!'” Goellnicht noted.
Who has the higher net worth: Tom Hardy or Charlize Theron?

Hardy and Theron might have nearly come to blows over Hardy’s late arrival and Theron’s insistent that he be fined for it. But in real life, both actors are loaded.
According to Celebrity Net Worth, Theron has a net worth of $160 million. Most of Theron’s wealth comes from her lengthy, successful film career, although she has landed several lucrative sponsorships as well.
As for Hardy, his net worth is reported by Celebrity Net Worth to be $45 million. He’s a bit newer to the acting world than Theron, but has risen to fame over the past decade for his skill at playing tough, tenacious action heroes.
Are Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy friends today?
Hardy and Theron stuck it out and managed to finish filming on Mad Max: Fury Road, which went on to become a big hit. After they moved on to other projects, the two actors were able to look back on their feud and give some insight into why their tempers flared.
According to The Things, Theron later recalled that “I don’t want to make excuses for bad behavior, but it was a tough shoot. Now, I have a very clear perspective on what went down. I don’t think I had that clarity when we were making the movie.”
While it’s unclear whether Theron and Hardy ever became good friends, it seems safe to say that the two actors have moved past any bad blood. Reportedly, Hardy even gave Theron a self-portrait as a wrap gift when they finished filming Mad Max: Fury Road, with a sweet note that read “You are an absolute nightmare, BUT you are also f***ing awesome. I’ll kind of miss you. Love, Tommy.”