Courtney Stodden Isn’t the Only Child Chrissy Teigen Attacked on Twitter
It’s been years since Courtney Stodden first made headlines at the young age of 16. When Stodden married their 50-year-old acting coach, Doug Hutchison, the media chose to crucify the aspiring actor. Instead of placing blame on Hutchinson for his disgusting grooming and exploitative behavior, the majority of the blame fell on Stodden’s feet. The media and celebrities weren’t shy about publicly ridiculing and shaming the teenager. And Chrissy Teigen was one of the loudest voices leading the attacks.

Teigen has always received attention for her presence on Twitter. Many of her fans believe that her “hot takes’ are quite humorous. However, the former model has also been known to cross the line on the popular social media app as well. This was certainly the case between 2011-2012 when the cookbook writer seemed to make it her personal mission to attack Stodden on Twitter.
Chrissy Teigen bullied Courtney Stodden on Twitter
“@CourtneyStodden I hate you,” Teigen tweeted on January 10, 2012. In a more sinister tweet posted on October 7, 2011, Teigen wrote “@CourtneyStodden my Friday fantasy: you. dirt nap. mmmmmmmm baby,” insinuating that her dream would be for Stodden to die. To make matters worse, Stodden claims that Teigen would also send private messages, urging Stodden to kill themself. In a recent interview with The Daily Beast, Stodden recounted Teigen’s alleged attacks.
“She wouldn’t just publicly tweet about wanting me to take ‘a dirt nap’ but would privately DM me and tell me to kill myself,” Stodden recalled about Teigen. “Things like, ‘I can’t wait for you to die.’ And not only her, but Joy Behar had a field day with calling me a ‘slut.’ Courtney Love told me I was a ‘whore.’ People came out of the woodwork to beat up on a kid because she was in a situation that she shouldn’t have been in. There were a lot of celebrities acting like playground bullies. Some of the worst treatment I got was from women, and we’re not going to get anywhere if we keep holding each other back.”
Tiegen also attacked nine-year-old Quvenzhané Wallis
The negativity from Teigen was certainly difficult for Stodden to bear on top of their unfortunate situation. Sadly, Teigen didn’t learn her lesson with Stodden and felt the need to attack another child on Twiter. Back in 2013, Teigen felt it necessary to call out then Oscar-nominated, nine-year-old, Quvenzhané Wallis, after she won the Best Dressed award at the Oscars.
“Is it okay to call a small child cocky?” Teigen tweeted, referencing Wallis. After she was called out by others for the inappropriate nature of her tweet, she refused to apologize and instead doubled down on her claims. “I am forced to like Quvenzhané Wallis because she’s a child right?” Teigen penned. “Okay fine.” Clearly, Teigen often didn’t know when she was crossing the line in an attempt to be “funny” on Twitter. Perhaps she had the right idea when she threatened that she was leaving Twitter for good.