Daniel Radcliffe Once Shared Why He’d Advise ‘Harry Potter’ Fans Not to See Him as a Role Model
Daniel Radcliffe has won over the hearts of many as the iconic character Harry Potter in the famous wizard series. Because of his close connection to his role, the actor understood that many might look up to him as a role model. But Radcliffe felt that this shouldn’t be the case.
Daniel Radcliffe once commented on being a role model

Radcliffe was well aware of the affect his Harry Potter character had on young fans. Having grown up on the big screen from the age of 11, Radcliffe spent a decade connecting with the audience. And as far as role models went, Radcliffe agreed that his character was definitely someone impressionable youths could look up to.
“The thing I always say and I’ve often said in interviews, I think if people want a role model, Harry Potter’s a very, very good role model. And he’s something that won’t change,” Radcliffe once told MTV News. “He’ll be fixed in that permanent lovely way, and so those are the role models you want.
But Radcliffe believed that he shouldn’t have been put on the same pedestal as Harry.
“I don’t look at myself as a role model. I would never place myself on that pedestal, obviously. If other people want to place me there, that’s up to them,” he said. “I would advise them not to because I don’t think you should deify any human being. I think it’s something that I’ve grown more comfortable with the idea.”
He joked that unlike Harry, age would eventually catch up with him.
“I’m gonna grow old and get fat and stuff,” Radcliffe said. “And so you don’t want to make me a role model.”
Daniel Radcliffe once joked that young fans don’t recognize him as Harry Potter anymore
Throughout the years, many have typically seen Radcliffe as his Harry Potter character. But that’s changed as Radcliffe has branched out with more film roles. Nowadays, the actor’s known for other projects like The Lost City and Weird: The Al Yankovic Story.
Another reason why Radcliffe has been recognized less as Harry Potter was due to a new generation discovering the Potter films. Because of the young fans’ ages, Radcliffe quipped that they had trouble connecting the much older Radcliffe to his young Potter counterpart.
“A thing has started to happen now where parents who are young enough to have seen the films and have grown up with them have kids of their own now and they introduce them to me,” Radcliffe said on Live Kelly and Mark.
The kids, however, wouldn’t recognize the star.
“So, I think there’s like, with some kids, an element of disappointment sometimes. Which is rough, actually,” he said.
But Radcliffe added that many others are still familiar with his Harry Potter work. The young actor also felt incredibly flattered when told he was a part of his fans’ childhood.
Daniel Radcliffe once shared the one place he doesn’t like being recognized in
Radcliffe believes that he’s mostly cordial and accommodating with his fans whenever they approach him. But on days when he’s working out, Radcliffe felt fans should exercise some restraint.
“I’m not going to lie and say that every single time somebody who’s asked for a picture has come up to me I’ve always been smiles about it. Most of the time I am. It’s just the gym where I get very annoyed,” he said in an interview with Studio 10.
The actor clarified that he wasn’t unwilling to sign autographs. But he would’ve liked his many fans to be patient.
“I’m like, ‘OK, I’m really sweaty,’” he added. “’Can you wait until the end?'”