‘Growing Up Hip Hop:’ Bow Wow Says He’s Not Ready For a Romantic Relationship With Angela Simmons
Growing Up Hip Hop fans are vying for Bow Wow and Angela Simmons to get back together. The two dated when they were younger but their friendship has remained solid. Simmons even admitted that she’s not opposed to dating him again. But, Bow Wow revealed on Twitter that he’s not interested in a relationship at the moment.

Bow Wow and Angela Simmons dated previously – Simmons claims Bow Wow broke her heart
Simmons has said that Bow Wow was her first true love, as well as her first heartbreak. The two dated when they were teenagers and Bow Wow admitted in an interview with Vlad TV that he ended the relationship with Simmons because of her decision to remain a virgin until she was married.

“It was weird to me because I never met a woman who was like that before. I actually thought that was a good thing, like nobody could ever say they hit my woman,” he said. “I was more so in love with just the person, it wasn’t about the sex because how could I fiend over something I never had? But our beliefs were different and we were just better off as friends.”
Despite the heartbreak, Simmons and Bow Wow remained close friends. Their friendship was allegedly the reason that her platonic relationship with Romeo Miller never progressed, as Miller always felt that Simmons still had feelings for Bow Wow.

As it turns out, Miller was partially right. In the current season of Growing Up Hip Hop, Bow Wow and Simmons sat down with one another to discuss their relationship and Bow Wow leaving her heartbroken, Simmons asked Miller how many times he broke her heart, he responded, “a million.”
Simmons hinted that she was not against the two reconciling one day. “Bow has definitely grown as a man,” she said in her confessional. “You never know. Me and Bow may or may not date again. At this point, we’re just friends – so, we’ll just see.”
Bow Wow echoed Simmons’ sentiments, saying that the two have a close bond like Martin and Gina from the popular ‘90s sitcom Martin.
Bow Wow says he’s not ready to commit to Angela Simmons
Bow Wow and Simmons still have a close bond, sometimes appearing flirtatious. But according to Bow Wow, he’s not interested in going any further with Simmons. The rapper says he’s enjoying being single and after many failed relationships that have caused him stress and damaged his public image, a relationship is the last thing that’s on his mind.

Related: ‘Growing Up Hip Hop:’ Are Angela Simmons and Bow Wow Exploring a Relationship Again?
When a fan tweeted him to tell him that he and Simmons look good together, he responded with confusion and frustration.
“I don’t get why yall want us together sooo [sic] bad. I’ve never lived my life for others. If me and Angela get together we do. But we been thru [sic] alot and I’m not ready for commitment as of yet,” he wrote.
Aside from not wanting to be in a relationship, Bow Wow says his main focus is on being a father to his nine-year-old daughter, Shai. Simmons hasn’t responded to her famous ex’s statement.
Bow Wow’s last known relationship was with Kiyomi Leslie. The two broke up when she accused him of domestic abuse. Prior to Leslie, Bow Wow was engaged to Erica Mena.