Hulk to Become a New Kind of Hero Following ‘Avengers: Endgame’
Based on the fallout of Avengers: Endgame and information surrounding the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Phase 4, the Jade Giant may become a new kind of superhero moving forward. In Avengers: Endgame, the Hulk damaged his arm drastically (possibly beyond repair), and he found a way to unite Banner and Hulk in one body. With an arm damaged and a merged existence, Hulk seems destined for a character revolution in the MCU.
Rather than keeping the Hulk’s form suppressed, Banner now always looks like the Hulk, but he sounds and acts like his professorial self. With his mind and body connected in the most efficient way, Hulk can simultaneously act as a vital scientific experimenter and a mentor (while contributing to combat sparingly).

Will Bruce Banner favor his scientific studies over combat?
She-Hulk is coming to Disney+, and Bruce Banner is bound to appear in the streaming platform series. In the comics, Banner is responsible for turning his cousin, Jennifer Walters, into She-Hulk. If Kevin Feige and Co. opt for this comic-accurate depiction, Banner will be shown experimenting, particularly on his cousin.
Banner is, first and foremost, a scientist. And, with his arm damaged, he may focus his attention on scientific and technological advancement — an area he can still prove helpful in. If he can’t fight with his fists, he may yearn to fight with his mind, holding on to his desire to protect and serve planet earth (and surrounding galaxies). Class is in session for Professor Hulk.
Hulk will also serve as a mentor
As several original Avengers depart — most notably Captain America and Iron Man — incoming heroes will need a wise advisor. Bruce Banner will likely be – following Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Thor: Love and Thunder — the last original Avenger standing. Meaning, the newbies will look toward him for guidance and instruction.
Tom Holland’s Spidey, a brand new She-Hulk, and an inexperienced Mighty Thor (Jane Foster) aren’t going to be leadership-ready overnight. And, if they are, such a narrative choice will be largely unsubstantiated. Professor Hulk will serve as a scientist and a mentor, maybe even working with Fury to keep any new recruits in line and focused on the mission at hand.
The Hulk needs a little smash and stomp time
Even if the Hulk’s arm is damaged beyond repair, Marvel Studios cannot dish him aside completely when it comes to combat. Fans still want to see Hulk throw a punch, or toss someone a hundred feet with one arm.
Hulk’s mentorship and scientific studies will likely take up 80% of his time, leaving 20% for combat — a 20% that will prove vital in moments of intense need, allowing his physical strength to shine when no one else’s will suffice.