‘Love & Hip Hop’: Fans Aren’t Buying Trina’s Apology Surrounding Her Controversial George Floyd Protest Comments
Like clockwork, rapper and Love & Hip Hop star Trina has apologized and somewhat backtracked on her comments about the police brutality protests in the wake of George Floyd’s murder. She initially made the comments on the Miami radio show she hosts with fellow rapper and Love & Hip Hop star, Trick Daddy. Fans were not happy at what she said and seem like they aren’t moved by the apology she has given.

Trina’s gives controversial remarks surrounding the protests
Earlier this week, Trina and Trick Daddy discussed the protests that are happening across the nation as a result of Floyd’s murder, specifically protests that are happening in their city.
While Trick Daddy attempted to add nuance to the conversation, but Trina seemed to want to go on a rant about how she didn’t agree at all with what is going on. “They need to make the curfew at 6 pm to 6 am, that’s how I feel,” she said. The curfew for Miami-Dade county is currently in place from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. “Keep everybody off the streets, these animals off the streets … acting like they escaped from a zoo. Lock them up at 5 p.m., so the streets can be nice and clean.”
She said that she wasn’t OK with businesses being impacted, even if they had insurance. “I don’t approve of it, period,” she said. “I don’t approve of it, period cause you don’t want nobody burning down Sunday’s. Let’s be very clear. And you have insurance and you don’t want that.” She also conflated civilian violence with police violence. “We can’t bring back nobody’s lives that have been taken away whether it was from the police or at the hands of another civilian. We cannot bring them back. I can’t bring back my little brother life. His life was taken at the hands of a man, a black man. I can’t bring his life back, so what are you saying? Y’all always sweep that under the rug and then y’all wanna make something else,” she added.
People are not accepting of Trina’s apology
The rapper took to the airwaves Thursday morning for an apology for her prior statements.
“Me, in my Trina’s world, I’m automatically speaking for black people,” she said. “I am black people, that’s who I’m speaking for, so I’m not gonna say ‘black people are animals.’ I’m not talking to the protestors or those that are trying to make change.”
She also said that she spoke to the police commissioner. “And this is why, the day after when we spoke to the commissioner, I said to Trick, ‘Well, I learned a lot more about what’s really happening,’ because I’m trying to get what’s the solution, what is the answer to everything that is happening.”
The rapper also denied that she was directly referring to the protesters as “animals.” She said, “I would never say that, or call black people animals or any names. I am a black person, I must be an animal, I must be this same person. I mean, that’s not who I am.”
With all of this said it looks like people aren’t that interested in the apology. “I’m not about to accept your apology when you clearly meant what you said. Trina said that s**t with her chest. She meant that,” tweeted one person.
Someone else said, “Trina wants to apologize now…. and that apology had no where near as much passion and conviction as her original statement.”
“F**k Trina and her apology. She meant what she said and she didn’t even address what she really said,” said another person.