How Old Are Josh and Anna Duggar’s Kids in 2021?
Josh Duggar is under the Duggar family microscope since his April 2021 arrest. The oldest child of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar’s made the news before, but this time, his potential crimes cost the family their TLC show, Counting On. Now, fans and critics wonder what’s next for Josh and Anna Duggar’s family. So, how old are the couple’s kids in 2021?
What are Josh and Anna Duggars’ children’s names?

While the Duggar family kids all have “J” names, Anna and Josh Duggar chose to go a different way with their kids. Once they had their first child, Mackynzie, in 2009, they chose to give all of their kids’ names that started with the letter M.
So far, Josh and Anna have Mackynzie Renee, Michael James, Marcus Anthony, Meredith Grace, Mason Garret, and finally, Maryella Hope.
Maryella’s name followed suit with the “M” theme. But it also has a special connection with Josh’s family. “When Josh’s grandma passed away, we considered the name Mary, but we were hesitant because Grandma (Mary Duggar) was such a special lady and we wanted our daughter’s name to be a reminder of how special Grandma was and carry on her legacy …,” Anna wrote on Instagram. “As we continued chatting about names, Josh and I both fell in love with the name Maryella! We chose Hope for her middle name because of the Hope we have because of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.”
How old is Josh Duggar’s oldest daughter? What are the ages of the rest of his kids?
So, how old are Josh Duggar’s children in 2021? They’re getting quite old. Mackynzie, Josh and Anna’s firstborn, turns 12 years old in October 2021, as she was born in 2009.
Michael, the second-oldest in the family, turned 10 in June 2021. Marcus turned 8 in June 2021. Meredith turned 6 in July. Mason turns 4 in September 2021. And Maryella turns 2 years old in November 2021.
Duggar family fans and children are also looking forward to learning more about Josh and Anna’s seventh child. Anna announced her pregnancy with a baby girl in April 2021, leaving her with a newborn come fall 2021. “It’s a GIRL!!!!!” Anna captioned her post that shows she and Josh dumping pink confetti over their heads as their older kids run behind them. “We are overjoyed to announce baby seven is on the way and we can’t wait to hold her in our arms this fall!”
As for Josh Duggar’s age, he’s 33 years old, and so is Anna.
Duggar family critics worry for the couple’s children moving forward
Now that a few of Josh Duggar’s kids are old enough to possibly know what’s going on with their father, Duggar family critics worry. Police arrested Josh on suspicion of obtaining child sexual abuse content — a potentially serious crime that could majorly affect Josh’s standing with his family. Currently, Josh can only visit his kids with Anna present. And recent reports note Anna continues to spend time with Josh at his guardian’s house as she allows her side of the family to care for her six children.
“I often think of what Mackynzie thinks of all this,” a Reddit user said. “Eleven (12? 11.5?) is definitely old enough to pick up on things and be somewhat aware of adult situations. I wonder what she’s been told about their dad’s absence.”
“He’s been gone before, and I hate to say it, but she may see it as normal,” another Reddit user guessed. “All she’s known has been hushed chaos and Dad goes away for awhile.”
“There’s no way these kids will have a healthy relationship with their parents once they discover the whole story,” another Duggar family critic wrote.
Josh’s trial is currently delayed for November 2021.
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