Paris Hilton Says Ending Her Engagement With Chris Zylka Was ‘The Best Decision I’ve Ever Made in My Life’
Paris Hilton’s love life has been of interest to the public ever since her sex tape with Rick Salomon appeared in 2003–one of the first instances of a leaked viral sex tape. The heiress has had some trouble trusting ever since.
In a recent interview she did with Cosmopolitan, Hilton shared what she learned about protecting her privacy from the 2003 incident.
“I would say that none of these things are 100% secure so I wouldn’t have anything on there that’s private and that you wouldn’t want the world to see,” she said.
Paris Hilton and Chris Zylka split
In November 2018, Hilton and Chris Zylka ended their engagement 10 months after the actor proposed with a $2 million engagement ring.
“I’m just really having my ‘me time,'” Hilton told The Talk after the news broke. “I just feel that when I fall in love, I fall in love fast and hard and it was this whirlwind romance.”
She continued, “I’ve always been obsessed with Disney stories and love stories and I thought it was going to be my happy ending, and I just realized after time it wasn’t the right decision.”

Hilton reiterated to Cosmo that trust has been a big issue for her in the past. She’s gone to “a little bit” of therapy, but, even that scares her for fear of not being able to trust her therapist.
She told the publication she’s been single since her split from Zylka, and that she’s loved it.
“It feels good to not have someone controlling me,” she said. “With dating certain people, [there’s the risk of] not trusting them and the fear [that] if I go out of town they might do something to embarrass me. I feel lucky now to not have that fear because I’m independent.”
Writer Martha Hayes asked the socialite if ending her engagement was a tough decision to make.
“No,” she responded. “It was the best decision I’ve ever made in my life. I just don’t think [he] was the right person and I feel like I’m an incredible woman and I deserve someone so amazing. It just didn’t feel right. I’ve worked way too hard to just give my life to someone. They have to be perfect.”
Paris Hilton’s family looks out for her
Hilton isn’t just picky about who she lets into her love life. She told the publication she also pays close mind to who she works with.
“Especially in Los Angeles, because it’s very hard to trust people. I’m very lucky to have my parents watching out for me and not letting any weirdos get near me.”
The Hiltons are close–they always have been. The DJ says many of the choices she makes revolve around the idea of making her family proud.
“My family always wanted me to want to do something with my life and to want to make them proud,” she explains. “I see a lot of people today who have never done anything and they’re not happy with their lives because everything was just handed to them.”
The heiress feels she’s worked hard to accomplish what she has.
“I feel I have definitely proven myself,” she said. “For anyone who would say otherwise, they have no idea. I’ve worked so hard. My grandfather [Barron Hilton, who passed away last September] was someone I wanted to make proud and he was so proud of me carrying on the legacy but doing it my way.”