If Quentin Tarantino Wins 1 More Original Screenwriting Oscar, He’ll Tie for the Most of All Time With This Renowned Filmmaker
Quentin Tarantino has a signature writing style that inspires many other genre writers around the world. He pulls influences from previous works, although he injects his own style into his scripts. Tarantino once explained how he only needs one more original screenwriting Oscar to tie for the most any filmmaker has ever won in the category. This would put him on the same level as one of the most renowned writers in the industry.
Quentin Tarantino won 2 original screenwriting Oscars

Tarantino is no stranger to the Academy Awards. He already won two Oscars in the original screenwriting category for 1994’s Pulp Fiction and 2012’s Django Unchained. Both films have left an undeniable impact on young filmmakers. The Academy also nominated him for Best Director for Pulp Fiction, Inglourious Basterds, and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
Tarantino was also nominated in the original screenplay category for 2009’s Inglourious Basterds, although he lost out to Mark Boal’s The Hurt Locker screenplay. He was nominated for 2019’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, but Bong Joon Ho’s Parasite took home the Oscar gold, which made history.
Quentin Tarantino needs 1 more original screenwriting Oscar to tie for the most of all time
Vulture interviewed Tarantino to talk about The Hateful Eight and prior big-hitters in his rich filmography. The interviewer asked the filmmaker if he’s upset about not having any wins for best director. However, he doesn’t let it bother him. Tarantino has every reason to be proud of his screenwriting Oscar wins.
“No,” Tarantino answered. “I would have liked to have won Best Director for Inglourious Basterds, but I’ve got time. And I’m very, very happy with my writing Oscars.”
Tarantino continued: “I will brag about this: I’m one of five people who have won two Original Screenplay Oscars. The other four are Woody Allen, Charles Brackett, Billy Wilder, and Paddy Chayefsky. I actually didn’t know that until somebody wrote it on a website.”
“I went, ‘Holy s***!,'” Tarantino said. “Those are the greatest writers in the history of Hollywood. Now, Woody Allen has us all beat. He’s won three, so if I win three, I’ll tie with Woody.”
Even if Tarantino doesn’t win a third original screenwriting Oscar, he still ranks among the greats with his current track record.
Woody Allen has 3 original screenwriting Oscars
Allen won his three original screenwriting Oscars for 1977’s Annie Hall, 1986’s Hannah and Her Sisters, and 2011’s Midnight in Paris. However, he has a staggering 13 original screenplay Oscar nominations. In addition, Allen already took home the Oscar gold for best director with Annie Hall.
Tarantino previously teased that he plans to retire from filmmaking after making his tenth movie. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood supposedly marks his ninth movie, so he will need to win the original screenplay Oscar to tie with Allen. Perhaps that film will also be the one that also finally wins him best director.