‘Teen Mom 2’: Why Jo Rivera Thought Kailyn Lowry’s Marriage to Javi Marroquin Was ‘A Sham’
Though Teen Mom 2 star Kailyn Lowry has children with three different men, she’s only been married once (to Javi Marroquin).
Lowry’s been open about the fact that the father of her children don’t always get along.
Apparently, Jo Rivera, Lowry’s high school boyfriend and the father of her first son, Isaac, didn’t like Marroquin from the get-go.

In her 2014 book, Pride Over Pity, Lowry writes that she was nervous to tell Rivera that she’d gotten engaged to Marroquin.
“There was one person I was worried wouldn’t take the news of our engagement quite so well. I hadn’t told Jo yet and I would have to explain what this would mean for him and Isaac. We had been getting along relatively well, but I was guessing any content period we’d had was inching toward the drain. In fact, Jo would probably full out hate me for what I was about to tell him,” she wrote.
Complicating things
Lowry knew her getting engaged to Marroquin would complicate her and Isaac’s relationship with Rivera because they’d probably have to relocate.
“Javi’s military base placement would be somewhere other than Pennsylvania, which meant we could be moving a remarkable distance. Javi and had I [sic] made a commitment to one another, and Isaac and I would follow him wherever he was stationed. This obviously could have a huge impact on Jo’s relationship with Isaac. It was never my intention to take my son from his father, but in the long haul I knew this was the best option for Isaac and me,” she wrote.
Lowry knew the best way to avoid any drama was to communicate everything with Rivera as soon as possible.
“For such a significant decision, I knew Jo needed to be informed immediately. Our ability to maintain a civil adult relationship as Isaac’s parents would depend on how we handled this situation. Communication was the solution, per co-parenting counseling advice. I wasn’t just going through the motions to be polite, though. I genuinely care about Jo’s feelings when it comes to Isaac,” she wrote.
How Jo Rivera reacted to Kailyn Lowry getting engaged to Javi Marroquin
Unfortunately, Rivera didn’t take the news very well.
“Jo, like I predicted, took my marriage as a sham. He argued that I had rushed into a serious commitment that I was surely not ready for. Javi and I almost had a year together, which wasn’t acceptable to Jo, but to me the number held less significance than the depth of our feelings. I hadn’t been impulsive with such a huge decision. Javi and I weren’t a joke. Jo’s inability, at the time, to see the real reason why Javi and I chose to get married excused his poor judgement in sizing us up,” she wrote.
Ultimately, Lowry believes Rivera was so upset because he wanted the option of getting back together someday.
“I think Jo doubted my relationship with Javi because he wasn’t sure what he wanted and saw Javi as the ultimate barricade to ever having ‘us’ as a possibility again,” she wrote.