‘The Bachelor’: Here’s What Cassie Randolph and Her Sister Michelle Fight About
The winner of Colton Underwood’s season of The Bachelor, Cassie Randolph, is very close with her family. In fact, she says one of the hardest parts about going on the reality dating show was being cut off from her family for so long. Typically, she leans on them for advice.

“It was definitely hard being disconnected because I’m so close with my family and friends and I always look to them for advice and help through decisions and being on the show was hard because I didn’t really have anyone that I could trust or confide in,” Randolph said in a recent interview with the “I Suck At Life” podcast.
Cassie Randolph’s sister Michelle crashed her anniversary trip with Colton Underwood
She’s particularly close with her sister Michelle (Cassie’s fans always ask her if they’re twins but Cassie is 24 and Michelle is 21). Michelle even accompanied Cassie and Underwood on their recent one-year anniversary trip.
“Ok, I can see how this might have seemed a little strange, but it was actually the sweetest thing. Over the past year, Colton and I have travelled a lot together. Even though my sister and I share an apartment, we don’t get to hangout a ton because of our schedules. And when we do, it’s often very quick. [Michelle] had been in Europe for a month and [Colton] knew how much I missed her. It just so happened that he was able to surprise me with bringing her along on our next trip (which also just so happened to be over our year)!” Randolph explained in an Instagram Q&A after fans asked her why Michelle was a part of the couple’s romantic getaway.
Cassie Randolph lives with her sister Michelle
As Cassie mentioned in her Q&A, she and Michelle live together. Many Bachelor fans were hoping Randolph would move in with Underwood after the season ended but the reality couple is taking their time and moving at their own pace.
In her “I Suck At Life” podcast interview, Cassie shared the “stupid things” she and Michelle bicker about.
“About ‘You left a dish in the sink.’ I swear it’s so annoying because you’ll leave one dish in the sink, right? But you just did the dishes. And you’re like, ‘OK I was gonna put them away just not yet.’ I clean after I eat. I eat and then I’ll clean right after but I want to eat first,” said Randolph. Her sister likes to do her dishes before she eats.
Randolph also said her younger sister has the bigger closet in their apartment. In her next place, Randolph is making a point to get the biggest closet.
“Well Michelle–my sister and I live together–she has the big closet, which I don’t know how she scored that, but as soon as we move I’m gonna have the big closet because my little closet–it’s not even that little–it’s a walk-in closet. It’s a small walk-in. So like when you go behind the door you have to like shove yourself against the wall,” she said.
Cassie says her dream closet has vaulted ceilings, a couch, and mirrors.
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