The Real Reason Everyone Is Freaking Out Over Amanda Bynes’ Face Tattoo
Things with Amanda Bynes can get really weird at warped speed. While the former child star has been staying mostly out of the spotlight in recent years, she did show up on Instagram recently to share a snapshot. Fans immediately noticed something strange in the photo. Bynes appears to have a tattoo on her face. The crooked heart looks hand-drawn, and while Bynes is totally within her right to add body art to herself, the decision has a lot of fans freaking out.
Why is everyone losing it over Amanda Bynes’ face tattoo?
Face tattoos are a pretty extreme decision. That doesn’t mean people don’t get them. Justin Bieber has a face tattoo, as does Lil Wanye. Halsey and Keisha also sport body art on their faces. Mike Tyson has perhaps, the most prolific face tattoo thanks to the movie Hangover II. So, why is everyone freaking out about Bynes’ decision to add body art to her face? Her mental health.
Bynes’ breakdown through 2012 and 2013 is pretty notorious. For months, the media followed along as Bynes completely unraveled. It started off simple enough; she was arrested for DUI than for throwing a bong out of the window of her apartment. Bynes’ ordeals quickly escalated and culminated in her setting a fire in a stranger’s driveway before she was taken into custody and placed in a mental health facility.
She’s been keeping things pretty low key since, and the general public is not kept apprised of her comings and goings. Fans know that she graduated from college recently, but they don’t know what she’s been up to since or where she is currently residing. The recent decision to tattoo her face, however, has some fans concerned that she’s once again spiraling out of control.
Is the tattoo real?
Everyone is busy trying to figure out if the new tattoo is real or not. Bynes didn’t have the body art when she last posted to Instagram. Before her New Years’ snapshot, Bynes was last active on the social platform on Dec. 3, 2019. In that post, Bynes shared a photo of her green-tinged hair.

In the New Years’ photo, Bynes’ hair is a totally different color, although she never bothered to update her fans on that particular change and that tattoo is a new addition, too. Bynes already has several tattoos, so it’s not out of the realm of possibility that the ink is real. In fact, it seems most likely that the new body art is here to stay. Bynes shared one photo back in September 2019 showing herself in a tattoo shop. Shortly after the picture, Bynes was spotted sporting a septum piercing.
What could this mean for her mental health?
Bynes popped back up on social media in September 2019 with a new Instagram account. She has been posting to it sporadically, but most of her shares seem pretty innocuous. Bynes has been documenting her daily life, shared a meme, and is keeping fans informed about her regular hair color changes. In fact, the whole feed seems pretty tame when you compare them to her Twitter rants from 2013. That was the year that Bynes had a very public breakdown and was remanded to a psychiatric facility.
The decision to add body art to her face concerned some fans, but the caption that came with it is more troubling. Bynes simply captioned the photo with an alien emoji. Because she once suggested her father had a microchip implanted in her, fans are incredibly concerned for her mental health. Bynes has allegedly been diagnosed with Bipolar disorder. According to CNN, Bynes herself tweeted the diagnosis than later deleted it. She’s denied having a mental illness since.
Bynes, nor her representation, has updated fans on her mental health recently, and it doesn’t look like it will be happening anytime soon. For now, everyone will need to just wait and see what Bynes does next. Since her posting schedule is pretty sporadic, followers might be in for a long wait.