‘This Is Us’: Justin Hartley ‘Thinks’ Fans Can Rule out 1 Love Interest as Kevin’s Soulmate
There are many questions that This Is Us has to answer before the series comes to an end, but one of the most pressing queries concerns Kevin. Who is Kevin’s soulmate? And will he end up with anybody? Although we don’t have the answer quite yet, Justin Hartley did admit who his character won’t become romantically involved with in season 6.

Justin Hartley reveals who Kevin won’t end up with in ‘This Is Us’
After This Is Us Season 6 Episode 8 aired, Entertainment Weekly asked Justin Hartley if fans could rule out Cassidy as Kevin’s future wife. He said, “I think so.”
The actor added, “But I also think that, you know… [laughs] this is Kevin. Which way the wind blows, you never know. Something could happen, and all of a sudden, he’s like, ‘Wait a minute, wait a minute. You are the one for me!’ So he’s struggling with that. But I think he’s settling down into that idea that they’re friends. And important friends, and necessary friends. And he’s comfortable with that. I think.”
Of course, Hartley didn’t want to say outright that Cassidy isn’t Kevin’s soulmate in This Is Us. However, from his comments, it’s clear that the two might be better off as friends.
Kevin and Cassidy will still be in each other’s lives in ‘This Is Us’
Cassidy rejected Kevin in This Is Us Season 6 Episode 5, but the hour’s writer, Julia Brownell, told Deadline that their story wasn’t over yet.
“I will say this is not the last you see of Cassidy,” Brownell said. “She’ll take Kevin up on his offer to help out with the cabin and continues to be a part of Kevin and Nicky’s lives in a surprising way.”
Following episode 8, fans now know that the “surprising way” concerns her involvement with helping Kevin and Nicky start the Big Three Homes construction company. So Kevin and Cassidy will still play a significant role in each other’s lives, but likely only as friends. Kevin has finally realized his purpose in life, and Cassidy is trying to recover from the trauma she experienced in the military. It would be difficult for them to be anything but friends right now.
But even though Cassidy may be out of the running for Kevin’s heart, he still has many prospects in This Is Us Season 6.
Who are the other candidates for Kevin’s heart?
Realistically, there are three potential options for Kevin’s soulmate in the final season of This Is Us — Sophie, Madison, and someone viewers haven’t met yet.
Kevin’s childhood love has always been on the back of his mind, and it wouldn’t be surprising if he reunited with Sophie by the show’s end. Then there’s Madison, who is the mother of his children. Kevin couldn’t say that he was in love with her in the season 5 finale, but that doesn’t mean he will never feel that way about Madison. And finally, there’s always the possibility that Kevin meets someone new and falls head over heels in love.
While speaking with Entertainment Weekly, Justin Hartley teased his character’s ending regarding who he ends up with.
“I don’t think everyone’s going to be happy necessarily,” he revealed. “Every single person is not going to be like, ‘That’s what I wanted.’ Some people will want something different. I mean, because it could be that he just ends up with no one.”
Hartley continued, “People are going to have their own reasons for why they believe what they believe. But whether you get what you want or you don’t get what you want, I think it’s going to be very satisfying. And you’re going to understand what happened, and you’re going to say, ‘Well, that makes a lot of sense.'”
This Is Us Season 6 airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on NBC.