What Is ‘The Office’ Star, Brian Baumgartner’s Net Worth?
The stars of The Office are still making money off their fame from the show. One of them is Brian Baumgartner and he’s made a lot of money from sending messages to fans. This is his net worth and what he’s up to now.
Brian Baumgartner is known for playing Kevin Malone on ‘The Office’

The Office had a great group of characters. Baumgartner played Kevin Malone all nine seasons.
Kevin worked with the other accountants. He wasn’t the brightest person in the office and had some creepy moments. But then he had some surprising hobbies outside of work.
He played the drums and was the lead singer in a tribute band called Scrantonicity. Kevin is also a gambler and won a World Series of Poker bracelet. We got to see that side of him on “Casino Night“.
The show is still very popular and Baumgartner now has a podcast about The Office called An Oral History of The Office. He has kept in touch with fans. That has led to a big pay day for him.
He was set to make over $1 million through Cameo
Cameo is a platform where anyone can make messages in exchange for money. Celebrities have made accounts on it to make money to interact with their fans.
There are multiple cast members of The Office on it. But Baumgartner made the most in 2020. Cameo’s co-founder and CEO, Steven Galanis, claimed he was set to make over $1 million through Cameo.
“He really takes a lot of pride in his craftsmanship of the videos,” Galanis said on the New York Times Sway podcast. “And I do think the quality of the Cameo is something that is really important to people. And he just is somebody that really takes it seriously and does a great job.”
The CEO added, “He’s reliable. He turns them around quickly. And the content is really funny.” Baumgartner charged $195 for his Cameos at the time.
Baumgartner’s net worth is $8 million
The actor’s hard work is continuing to pay off. He reportedly has the net worth of $8 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth.
The actor might be known for The Office, but that hasn’t been his only role. He went on to be on Melissa & Joey, Hand of God, The Goldbergs, and more. Baumgartner is currently voicing a character named Walter on Trash Truck.
He’s still open to playing Kevin again. “If they came up with a great idea and [writer, producer and director] Greg Daniels was on board, then absolutely,” Baumgartner told OK! magazine. “Then I would for sure be interested.”
The cast still keeps in touch after the show ended in 2013. Baumgartner has had multiple stars from the show on his podcast.