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They may be relative newcomers to the TLC circuit, but Adam and Danielle Busby have grown quite a following in a short period of time. OutDaughtered began in 2016 and has followed the happy couple as they navigate life with their eldest daughter, Blayke, and their quintuplets. And the truly remarkable aspect of their life is that Adam and Danielle have the first set of all-female quintuplets in the United States.

The Busby quints are certainly a handful, and raising six kids presents unique challenges neither parent anticipated. But it turns out their doctors initially recommended that they shouldn’t go through with having all five babies. Here’s why.

Danielle always had trouble with infertility

Having quintuplets is incredibly rare, and for Danielle and Adam, they never anticipated they would have such luck due to their struggles with infertility. Danielle wrote about her fertility issues on her blog, It’s a Buzz World. She explained that when she was first trying to get pregnant, doctors discovered Adam’s sperm count and testosterone were low, and she didn’t ovulate regularly. They were both put on medications to help with the process, and they eventually resorted to intrauterine insemination, which worked for their firstborn daughter. Of course, we also know it worked the second time too — though it resulted in a surprising number of babies.

Danielle describes the moment she was alerted that four babies showed up on her ultrasound. “The next ultrasound was pure shock!! There were clear as day 3 sacs we could see on the screen at one time and then ONE more kind of off to the side. So now we were looking at FOUR babies. Adam is about to pass out and I am laughing!” she wrote. While doctors told her follow-up appointments may not show as many babies, the Busbys were in for another surprise — and that’s that they saw one more little one, making five babies total.

Doctors wanted to reduce the number of babies due to possible complications

Adam was in pure shock by the prospect of having quintuplets, and while Danielle was also surprised, she seemed even more delighted that she’d been blessed with such a gift. Unfortunately, her doctors tried to talk her out of having so many children at once. Back in January 2015, Adam and Danielle talked to Houston’s ABC13 station about the ordeal — and while they were excited for the babies, the doctors weren’t so sure.

Danielle told the station, “At first they didn’t want us to have all five. They wanted us to reduce” due to possible complications of having quintuplets. “And our hearts just couldn’t do that,” she added. We know now that the quints had a safe delivery, though they did have to be delivered via C-section at just 28 weeks, which certainly upped the odds of something going wrong. Now, the quints are all home safe and thriving.

Adam and Danielle feel like the quintuplets are a blessing from God


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The Busby couple certainly had concerns over the health and safety of the babies, but thanks to their religious views, they found guidance in God. Romper notes they’ve mentioned in past interviews how they view their quintuplets as a divine miracle. “We are so thankful and blessed and I honestly give all the credit to my God. I am so thankful for this wonderful hospital and team of people here, they truly all are amazing,” Danielle said.

The difficult times aren’t over for the Busbys, either. Raising six daughters is definitely tough and may put strain on Adam and Danielle’s relationship, but they’re also looking to God as a source of strength to help them get through the tough times. “God knows our hearts and knows our needs and He will always be there to provide for us. Do not ever give up on God. … YOU NEVER know how many blessing(s) will come your way,” Romper notes Danielle wrote on the family blog.

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