South Park
South Park is an animated sitcom created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone. The satirical show, whose content is intended for mature audiences, has aired on Comedy Central since 1997.
The series is set in a fictional mountain town in Colorado and follows the adventures of four elementary-school classmates: Eric Cartman, Kyle Broflovski, Stan Marsh, and Kenny McCormick. They squabble often, but the boys have known each other so long they do nearly everything together, from saving the town to sending a whale to the moon.
Despite the main characters’ young age, the TV show tackles controversial adult topics — ranging from sex to religion — that offend some people. HBO Max even banned a few episodes from the streaming platform for depictions of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
- Main characters: Cartman, Stan, Kyle, Kenny
- Creators: Trey Parker, Matt Stone
- TV genres: Comedy, satire
- Original release: August 13, 1997
- Network: Comedy Central
- Streaming: HBO Max
- Seasons: 24 and counting
- Specials: Black Friday, Cartoon Wars, The Vaccination Special, The Pandemic Special, and many more
- Behind the scenes: The creators almost killed off Kyle at the end of Season 5 because they thought he was too similar to Stan; instead, they temporarily killed Kenny
- Fun facts: Stan is voiced by and loosely based on Parker, and Parker’s favorite episode is “Imaginationland.”
- Shows like this one: Beavis and Butt-Head, Big Mouth, Bob’s Burgers, The Boondocks, Family Guy, Futurama, King of the Hill, Regular Show, Rick and Morty, The Simpsons
Visit the South Park website.