Charli D’Amelio Uses This 1 Excuse With Her Parents to Get Out of Cleaning Her Room
Charli D’Amelio is the most followed person on TikTok. She has fans all over the world and is proving herself to be a huge social media star.
At the end of the day, D’Amelio is also just an ordinary teenager. However, unlike many kids her age, D’Amelio has one interesting excuse she can use to get out of cleaning her room.

Charli D’Amelio’s relatability makes her popular
Back in the days, celebrities were cultivated by entertainment executives. They were supposed to have unique talents or otherworldly beauty to attract fans. Yet, thanks to social media, it seems everyone can be famous now.
D’Amelio and many social media stars her age attract fans by being relatable. They often film videos and take pictures in their bedroom, doing ordinary things, such as goofing around, dancing, or lip-syncing.
“For a very long time the people who were in the media were these unattainable people you could never live up to as just a normal person,” D’Amelio told Gotham. “I feel like that’s what’s so awesome about TikTok—these normal people and these attainable spots… it’s like the people that everyone gets to see.”
Charli D’Amelio uses 1 excuse with her parents to get out of cleaning her room
When D’Amelio is at home, her parents treat her like a regular kid. However, thanks to her TikTok fame, she could sometimes get out of cleaning her room.
Fans who have seen D’Amelio’s videos might notice that her room is not always tidy. D’Amelio believes she can entertain her fans best when her room is messy, which she may have told her parents.
“I genuinely think I said that to my parents so I didn’t have to clean my room,” she said to Gotham.
Additionally, she believes having a messy room also makes her more relatable to fans. She said, “Like my room doesn’t have to be perfectly clean every second of the day… because that’s not a normal teenager’s life… [My followers are] not going to be like, ‘Hey, your room is really messy, you should figure that out.’ They’re going to be like, ‘Oh, that’s a cool new dance,’ or ‘I like what you did with your hair today,’ something like that.”
D’Amelio’s parents have also become more understanding of her. They know she is dealing with a lot of pressure from her sudden fame, so they can let some things slide.
“Back in the day, I might’ve nagged about the rooms and things like that,” her father Marc explained. “I’m a little bit more lenient now.”
Charli D’Amelio and her family will star on their own reality show
D’Amelio’s relationship with her family is a topic many fans love. Her family members have appeared in videos with her on TikTok and YouTube. Soon, fans can watch more of them in a reality show.
The D’Amelio Show will be premiering on Hulu in the near future. It will follow D’Amelio as she navigates fame and show some sides of their family fans have not seen before.